
Switch Technology

Unleashing the True Power of GaN for RF Switches

Finwave GaN on Silicon based switches offer fundamental advantages over other high power switch technologies available today. They offer high power capability over a wider bandwidth as well as faster switching and settling times. Not to mention the exceptional ease of use with no external components to worry about.

Finwave High Power Switch Technology

Broadband Performance

Power Handling

Switching Speed

Easy to Use

Technology Advancements

Combining High Power Handling and Wide Bandwidth

Enabling Designers to Use One Switch for a Wide Range of Applications and Frequency Bands

Finwave GaN-on-Si Switch Technology offers wide instantaneous bandwidth from very low frequencies up to 12 GHz. This is immediately usable bandwidth, with no external matching required, and no external components.

Switching and Settling Time

Ready to Use Sooner, a High-Power Switch that Settles Fast

RF designers know that when designing for a time critical application, switching time is only half of the story and even fast switches fail to settle down quickly. It is not uncommon for switches to take 1000’s of microseconds before they are ready to provide an accurate signal level. Using Finwave Switch technology, the switch settles fast and the signal and is ready to be measured sooner, a huge benefit for Test and Measurement applications in particular where speed is of utmost importance.

Comparison Chart

Other Tech
30 MHz – 12 GHz matched, high-power bandwidth
Fast settling time to within 0.1 dB of final value
Easy to use -no external components

“We believe our switches are the fastest settling high power RF switches on the market”

Jim Cable, Ph.d.


Discover the Next-Generation of High-Performance Semiconductors

"Gallium Nitride is the ideal material for addressing the energy revolution for the 21st century."

Tomas Palacios, MIT professor and Finwave co-founder