Super-Power for a Connected World.

If we want to meet the demands of imagination, we need new materials and approaches.

Imagination is limitless. Each day, new devices and software are added to our digital ecosystem, demanding faster connections capable of sending more data, with less power, and with greater efficiency.

We rely on fast, stable RF highways to send and receive data between digital devices. Problem is, current chip solutions are running out of space for improvement. Most semiconductors today are built on silicon. They’re amazing for many applications, but have their limitations—especially when it comes to Radio Frequency (RF) applications.

Increasing demands from 5G, 6G and beyond are making silicon solutions unfeasible. Without reliable RF connections, the internet of things will be downgraded to merely “things.”

Without a solution for these limitations, carriers need more access points to maintain signal reach. The outcome? Network costs balloon. Installation timelines drag on. And – precious energy is wasted.

If we want to meet the demands of imagination, we need new materials and approaches.

GaN’s Time to Shine

Gallium [Ga] is discovered
Gallium Nitride is first synthesized
First GaN Blue Light Detector
First Blue light LED
First High Brightness Blue LED
First GaN Radio Frequency Transistor
Finwave first RF products sampling
Major collaboration agreement for E-Mode PA Technology Announced
A Brand New High Performance, Energy Saving World


Gallium [Ga] is discovered


Gallium Nitride is first synthesized


First GaN Blue Light Detector


First Blue light LED

Gallium Nitride is the ideal material to meet the demands for faster connections and drive the energy revolution of the 21st century

Tomas Palacios, MIT professor and Finwave co-founder

Introducing GaN

It All Starts Here

Initially, our focus is on two critical RF front-end functions that stand to benefit greatly from our GaN+ advancements: Power Amplifiers and Switches, critical functions present in every communication system. Finwave enables both performance improvements and energy savings, as well as simplified design and lower cost of ownership

E-Mode GaN PA for Communication

High Power Broadband RF Switch

3DGaN FinFET Technology 

Enhancement-Mode Power Amplifiers for Simplified Base Station Design
E-Mode GaN on Silicon provides efficient power generation from the lowest frequencies to the highest
Replacing PIN Diodes for Lowered Power Consumption
Simplify Your Design with Finwave Broadband SPDT
For Test & Measurement, It is the Settling Time That Matters
Utilizing the Power of Finwave GaN on Si Switches for Medical Innovation
E-Mode Gan on Si for Automotive RADAR And Communication Systems


Meet the Driving Force Behind the New Semiconductor Era

With Finwave’s revolutionary GaN toolkit – GaN+ – devices for 5G, 6G and beyond can send more, faster, with less power—and meet the increasing demands of whatever devices designer and engineers imagine next.
Finwave brings the power of Moore’s Law and scaling to RF GaN devices. Finwave’s patented approach for linearizing both power amplifiers (PAs) and low noise amplifiers (LNAs) at the device level allows for higher linearity than that of conventional technologies. This is done by both reducing “memory” effects from electron trapping and a novel, device-level power combining approach.
The high intrinsic linearity of Finwave’s technology significantly improves PA efficiency at the backoff conditions required by high order modulation schemes. It also allows for much simpler, power-saving digital pre-distortion (DPD) algorithms – conserving even more energy.

EVKS Available

The Future Needs Finwave

Beyond 5G, 5G Advanced, and 6G, Finwave’s technology is driving significant improvements in power handling and operating frequency. We’re collaborating with partners globally to apply these innovations across a broad range of industries such as Aerospace and Defense where size, weight and power (SWaP) and switching speed matters, our roadmap is laser-focused on delivering GaN- driven performance across applications worldwide. Finwave Evaluation Kits are available. If you have high power switch requirements, please reach out to discuss your specific needs.


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Meet Finwave at MWC25

Finwave will be exhibiting at the MWC25 in Barcelona, Spain, March 3 – 6. We’re excited once again to exhibit at Mobile World Congress –

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Discover the Next-Generation of High-Performance Semiconductors

Gallium Nitride is the ideal material for addressing the energy revolution for the 21st century.

Tomas Palacios, MIT professor and Finwave co-founder